Guest Appearance: The Engineering Commons

25 October, 2014 06:45AM · 1 minute read

After nearly three months of trying to find a timeslot between my visits to site and their busy schedules (who knew it would be so hard to get four Engineers calendars to align?) I appeared on The Engineering Commons Podcast as a guest.

The Engineering Commons is a podcast I listen to regularly and it’s an Engineers podcast made by Engineers for Engineers. I had the pleasure of talking with Jeff Shelton, Carmen Parisi and Brian (Adam couldn’t make it) about why I got into Engineering, my PLC Programming language gripes and also about why I’ve done what I have with the structure of the Pragmatic podcast.

It was a great pleasure speaking to the guys and I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity.

Note: Any of my appearances on other podcasts are listed on the Podcasts, As A Guest page.